Inskora's Skibidi Toilet Zone


Welcome to my fanfics page! I'm currently obsessed enough with Skibidi Toilet that it gave me the urge to write fanfic, something I've not done since I was a teen. I'm having a blast! And at >160k words, I currently have a novel's worth of Skibidi fanfic for you to enjoy.

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About these fics

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Character names in summaries:

  • canon
  • originals (mine)
  • originals (other fanfic writers')
  • Human
  • TV
  • Camera
  • Speaker
  • Eldritch


  • Safe for work.
  • Probably safe for work.
  • Probably not safe for work.
  • Not safe for work.

Phaeton's arc 📕

These are about a human survivor working for the Hardware Alliance. They mainly focus on their interactions with the TV faction.

Title and summary
SFW rating
Approx word count (k)
Title and Summary:

Human, the Titan requests your presence

Reader helps to perform maintenance on Titan TV and then enjoys a cuddle-pile with the engineers inside the Titan's core chamber.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Cygnus Titan TV

Rating:  A few swear words
Approx word count (k):  3.4
Mirrors:  AO3, Squidge, Tumblr
Title and Summary:

Centre Core Forever More

Reader wants to fuck Titan TV. Titan TV is okay with this. Normal human-style sex is physically impossible, so they'll both have to get creative.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Cygnus Titan TV Engineer 1668

Rating:  nsfw: Human/robot fucking
Approx word count (k):  4.5
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Television man…I've got what you need

Two pals try inter-species fucking for the first time. One of them is Reader; the other, a TV-unit. What'll you get up to when one of you has no genitalia or orifices and the other one no mechanical parts? You don't know yet but you're bound to have fun finding out!

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Cygnus

Rating:  nsfw: Human/robot fucking
Approx word count (k):  9.5
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

The Machineries of Joy

Reader is summoned to help perform maintenance on Titan TV… which turns out to involve fucking the Titan silly. And maybe some of the normal TV-units too, for good measure.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Cygnus Titan TV Engineer 1668

Rating:  nsfw: Human/robot fucking
Approx word count (k):  14.9
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Titan TV's Test-flight

Reader gets to watch Titan TV's upgrade installation + testing (at some point before the events of episode 67), and hang out with a few TV-units they've not met before.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Cygnus Titan TV TV Imperator (+ bodyguards) Polycephaly

Rating:  Plenty of swearing
Approx word count (k):  7.5
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

You knew this was coming, didn't you?

The TV Imperator would like to fuck Reader. Reader is only too happy to accept. One of you is a unit with no genitalia, the other one is an organic lifeform with no mechanical parts, so you'll both have to get creative.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) TV Imperator (+ bodyguards) Cygnus

Rating:  nsfw: Human/robot fucking
Approx word count (k):  11
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

The Unnamed Feeling

A little look into Titan TV's origins… involving plenty of Reader and robots fucking, cuddling and talking about their feelings, because I know what I like, dammit. (You can't judge me; I've seen your AO3 bookmarks.)

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Cygnus Titan TV Engineer 1668 TV Imperator Polycephaly

Rating:  nsfw: Robot/robot fucking, human/robot fucking
Approx word count (k):  17
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

We can love one another, I've been told that it's okay

Some fluff/angst/comfort. Sickening. Mostly Reader and robots hugging each other and crying. Also the Reader character acquires a nickname.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Cygnus Titan TV Engineer 1668 Fornax

Rating:  Possibly nsfw: Mentions of explicit stuff
Approx word count (k):  8.9
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Polycephaly the Penta-countenanced

Reader hangs out with Polycephaly… and they inevitably end up fucking, because you should know by now that's the kind of thing I write.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Polycephaly Titan TV

Rating:  nsfw: Human/robot fucking
Approx word count (k):  5.4
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

You know it's hard to keep the fighting clean

Reader performs some maintenance on their TV-headed friend… And they end up [spins wheel] discovering [throws dart in board] a new species of fruit fly. Oh, you can tell I'm lying, can't you? They fuck. It's just fucking.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Cygnus

Rating:  nsfw: Human/robot fucking
Approx word count (k):  7.5
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

After hours in the core chamber

Reader is one of Titan TV's engineers, and your closest friend in the Alliance is another TV-unit. The stresses of post-apocalyptic life are getting to you a little - maybe your Titan and your friend can help you out with some stress relief. And by stress relief you of course mean fucking.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Titan TV Cygnus

Rating:  nsfw: Human/robot fucking, robot/robot fucking
Approx word count (k):  15.5
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Catastrophic mission failure

Angst o'clock! Reader and your TV-headed friend have an encounter with a skibidi. It does not go well, and both of you have to deal with the consequences.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Cygnus Titan TV TV Imperator (+ bodyguards) Polycephaly Engineer 1668 Fornax

Rating:  Possibly nsfw: violence
Approx word count (k):  10
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Capacitors, cathodes and cuddles

Reader is a human. Your best friend in the Alliance is a TV-unit. Recently, the pair of you had an encounter with a skibidi that left you in need of medical treatment and your TV-headed friend in need of repairs. Now your pal is due for some upgrades - good thing you're around to help test them. And by 'test' you of course mean 'play videogames and fuck'. Yes, it's another instalment of human + robots fucking, cuddling, talking about their feelings and crying, because we all know that's why you're here.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Cygnus Polycephaly Fornax

Rating:  nsfw: robot/robot fucking, human/robot fucking
Approx word count (k):  11
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

L'appel du vide et vidéo

Some big fluff! Reader and Polycephaly hang out as friends and have quite a nice time together.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Polycephaly

Rating:  Plenty of swearing
Approx word count (k):  6.4
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Enforced downtime

Reader messes up at work. So does Polycephaly. You'll get over it together. Yes, it's another instalment of human + robots fucking, cuddling, talking about their feelings and crying, because we all know that's why you're here.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Polycephaly Titan TV Cygnus Fornax Engineer 1668

Rating:  NSFW: robot/robot fucking, human/robot fucking
Approx word count (k):  19
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Seabrooks Canadian Ham

Reader meets the Sound Titan… and makes an unexpected discovery.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Titan TV Titan Speaker Cygnus Engineer 1668 Palindrome

Rating:  Canon-typical swearing
Approx word count (k):  9.3
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:


Reader meets Sabre and the Camera Titan for the first time… though neither meeting goes as planned.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Sabre Polycephaly TV Imperator Titan TV Cygnus Fornax Engineer Prime 1668

Rating:  Suggestive
Approx word count (k):  12.6
Mirrors:  AO3

Phaeton's arc spin-offs 📕

Prequels, what-ifs, alternative timelines, and canonically-dubious sillies.

Title and summary
Approx word count (k)
Title and Summary:

Havoc and Chaos Prequel Ongoing

Phaeton's journey before joining the Hardware Alliance and becoming Phaeton.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader)

Rating:  Violence and death, plus plenty of swears.
Approx word count (k):  2.3 (ongoing)
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

A reluctant rescue Prequel

We haven't seen what happened to the Brown Coated Cameraman after the events of episode 57. Who, if anyone, rescued them? Turns out it was you, Reader. You're a feral human survivor with no reason to trust the hardware-heads, but you feel compelled to help this one for some reason…

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Browncoat Cam

Rating:  Swears and violence
Approx word count (k):  4.4
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

A hundred ways for a human to die What-ifs Ongoing

An anthology of various ways a human can die in the Skibidi Toilet setting. Oo, the angst! Most of these will be based on Phaeton (the human reader-insert in many of my Skibidi Toilet fics), and some of them might be based on a 'generic' human. These little tales are what you might read if Phaeton's arc was a choose-your-own-adventure book or text game and you got a bad ending.

Disclaimer: I probably won't actually be able to think of 100 of these.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) [many other characters]

Rating:  Violence and death
Approx word count (k):  5 (ongoing)
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

I'm made of metal, my circuits gleam Timeline split

Until recently, you were a human survivor working for the Hardware Alliance as an engineer to the TV Titan. Now... you're a TV-unit working for the Hardware Alliance as an engineer to the TV Titan. Your new form is sure to take a lot of getting used to, but you're bound to have fun in the process!

This is a spin-off of one of the stories from 100 Ways.

Characters: Phaeton (as reader) Cygnus Polycephaly Fornax Titan TV TV Imperator Imperator's bodyguards Chief Engineer 1668 Various engineers

Rating:  nsfw: robot fucking (lots)
Approx word count (k):  18
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Untitled Noir and Phaeton short

For a Tumblr writing prompt based on the OP's character. Officer Noir (large cameraman) is not pleased with the prompt-answerer's character(s) - why?

Characters: Phaeton Noir

Rating:  Safe for work
Approx word count (k):  1.1
Mirrors:  Tumblr
Title and Summary:

Untitled Vee and Cygnus short

Just a little thing between my Cygnus and another fic-writer's character Vee.

Characters: Cygnus Vee

Rating:  Safe for work
Approx word count (k):  1.5
Mirrors:  Tumblr
Title and Summary:

That's not how you perform maintenance

Reader shows Titan TV how hard they can piss.

Characters: Reader (ambiguously Phaeton) Titan TV

Rating:  nsfw: piss
Approx word count (k):  0.8
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Well, it's not as though you were using it

Reader is desperate for a piss and the only one who can help out with that is Polycephaly - even though they don't realise it.

Characters: Reader (ambiguously Phaeton) Polycephaly

Rating:  nsfw: piss
Approx word count (k):  0.9
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Daisy, give me your answer, do

Cygnus, an actual TV-unit, has an encounter with an eccentric eldritch entity that mimics a TV-unit. Inevitably, they fuck.

Characters: Cygnus Daisy

Rating:  nsfw: robot/organic fucking
Approx word count (k):  4.8
Mirrors:  AO3

Skibidi stand-alone stories 📕

Stories that aren't part of Phaeton's arc.

Title and summary
Approx word count (k)
Title and Summary:

The mechanical and the mimic

Fiend and Vee are unfriendly rivals. One is an eldritch being that mimics a TV-unit; the other, an actual TV-unit. Inevitably (because I'm writing this)... they hate-fuck.

Characters: Vee Fiend

Rating:  nsfw: robot/organic fucking
Approx word count (k):  2.5
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Detour before the battle

Titan Camera receives a tactical donation of energy from Titan TV… and immediately has to go masturbate about it.

Characters: Titan Camera Titan TV

Rating:  nsfw: robot masturbation
Approx word count (k):  1.8
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Escaping the desert heat

The TV Titan overheats on the battlefield, and has to deploy its 'cooling rod'.

Characters: Titan TV

Rating:  nsfw: general silliness that looks like masturbation
Approx word count (k):  1.3
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Project Polycephaly

A little look at Polycephaly's origins, and their friendship with the Imperator.

Characters: Polycephaly TV Imperator Engineer 1668

Rating:  A few swear words.
Approx word count (k):  4.5
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:


Palindrome builds a little aphrodisiac program for their own pleasure and finds it works only too well. They'll need to get Polycephaly to help them out of this.

Characters: Polycephaly Palindrome

Rating:  nsfw: Robot fucking.
Approx word count (k):  4.2
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Everybody Hz

Two Titans enjoy a cosy cuddle before their next battle. Titan Camera was disconcerted by the purple command-beam from the Skibidi Scientist mech in episode 67, and asks the TV Titan for a dose of benign hypnosis to 'cleanse' the experience.

Characters: Titan Camera Titan TV

Rating:  A few swear words.
Approx word count (k):  2.8
Mirrors:  AO3
Title and Summary:

Journey's end Request

Reader, a wilderness scavenger, is found by TV Imperator and Sabre. Sabre might cause reader to revise their opinion of robots…

Characters: Reader TV Imperator Imperator's bodyguards Polycephaly Sabre

Rating:  A few swear words
Approx word count (k):  4.1
Mirrors:  AO3, Tumblr
Title and Summary:

Aftermath Request

What happened to the TV Titan after the events of episode 47?

Characters: Titan TV TV Imperator Polycephaly Engineer 1668 Engineer 4212

Rating:  A few swear words
Approx word count (k):  2.5
Mirrors:  AO3, Tumblr

Characters and meta

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