The Mechanical and the Mimic

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Fiend and Vee are unfriendly rivals. One is an eldritch being that mimics a TV-unit; the other, an actual TV-unit. Inevitably… they hate-fuck.

These characters belong to Haxorus, as does the mimic species/AU in general. She kindly granted me permission to write smut with her characters.

Be sure to check out Haxorus's Tumblr cosmica-galaxy for lots of mimic lore and art!

I love the supercilious and bossy TVs, and I love Vee's character - he was absolutely an inspiration for my own Cygnus. Both Vee and Fiend adore their mutual human friend (as do some other hardware units and hardware-mimics) but despise each other. Despite this, Fiend kind of sees Vee as a style icon, and copies parts of Vee's appearance in an attempt to win over the human. I wanted to see them have angry sex about it!!

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~2.5k words

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Robot/eldritch(?) fucking


Vee Fiend

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"I can see you, you know," Vee said to the patch of heat-haze that was pretending not to follow him along the dark corridor. Fiend - the source of the infra-red heat signature - re-materialised angrily, his concentration breaking and making his photonic disguise fall away.

"I know exactly what you're doing," continued Vee. "I'm sick of your pathetic mimicry, you worthless imitation. You model yourself on me because you have nothing original to offer. You think copying me will endear you to the human - the human who means more to me than they do to you anyway-"

Fiend spat an angry hiss at the provocation, his pseudo-screen splitting apart into a toothy orange maw.

"-you think the human is that easily fooled? Is that because you're stupid, or you think the human is stupid? Either one reflects poorly on you." Vee popped his gloved hand into Fiend's mouth and flicked Fiend's teeth.

Fiend bit down in protest and surprise - which was the level of contact Vee needed to teleport and be able to bring Fiend with him. Fiend barked in surprise (enabling Vee to reclaim his hand) at where Vee had brought them.

"Yes, I know about this hidden little den of yours. You are really not as subtle and cunning as you think you are, Fiend."

Fiend narrowed his eyes.

"Let's settle this," continued Vee. "Let me show you… that you have nothing of value to offer the human. Let me show you… how a real TV fucks." (Fiend barked in surprise once more.) "Let me show you, Fiend, that you cannot possibly match up to me… and then maybe you will rein in this ridiculous ongoing performance."

Vee sat down and reclined in the soft materials of the den, and made a 'come here' gesture. Fiend made no attempt to obey. "After all that time spent provoking me," said Vee, "You've nothing with which to back it up? Nothing of substance behind your displays of bravado?"

Fiend approached, bringing to bear his species's powers of psychological manipulation, targeting Vee with a psychic message: "Tread carefully; you are in my territory right now. Submit to your better".

Vee had expected Fiend to do exactly that, and countered with his own purple command-beam. Of course, he wouldn't actually go so far as to violate Fiend's autonomy ("Because I'm not like you," thought Vee to himself), but he would certainly enjoy getting to witness Fiend's impotent rage at being mentally restrained.

Both Vee's purple phosphor-dots and Fiend's subtle mind-warping danced an invisible dance upon each other, each entity broadcasting to the other "I'm the one in charge. You might as well accept it. Submit, or give in to despair…"

Fiend panted as he suddenly fell unable to sustain his psychic efforts, his face flinching as if a wave had burst upon him. He gasped in surprise as he gave in to Vee's sustained command and sat down next to him.

"There," Vee said in a low, soothing but mocking tone. "That wasn't so hard, was it? The copy defers to the original." Vee traced a gloved finger down the 'seam' at the front of Fiend's 'coat'. Fiend's tegument bristled at the touch, his protective fleshy carapace stiffening and extruding into clusters of little defensive spikes.

"If you were a real TV-unit," began Vee, continuing to stroke up and down as if about to unfasten Fiend's pseudo-coat, "Here's where I'd find your charging-port. What will I find here instead?" Vee massaged with his thumb, as if teasing the charging-port of a fellow TV. "No doubt you're wily enough to shapeshift an orifice here if you needed to…" Vee withdrew his hand and then protracted the blade from the back of his fist. He moved the point in tantalisingly close… "But I suspect your organic limitations would prevent you from enjoying a blade in there." Vee pulled away the blade (to Fiend's relief, though he was careful to not show that), and retracted it back into its holster. "As much as I would be… not displeased at seeing you get in the way of my knives, our dear human adores you for some reason… We're going to be very careful to not hurt each other, aren't we?"

Fiend ruffled in response, his shoulders shrugging into a movement that continued into a bristling all down his back. "You're lucky the human loves you so much." (…Did Fiend mean 'it's lucky for you that the human's love safeguards you from my wrath', or was Fiend merely expressing envy? Vee decided not to ask.)

Vee traced the painted 'F' on one side of Fiend's head, a parody of the elegant chevron on the side of Vee's own. Fiend flinched in response. "You want to be me, so badly, it makes you look stupid," said Vee. "Show me you're worthy of being me, of wearing that painted initial."

Vee removed his gloves, exposing the little tessellating pieces of exo-plating covering his hands. He moved a hand in, near Fiend's crotch, making him growl with displeasure at the liberty Vee was taking. "Will you let me fuck you?" said Vee. "Will you fuck me? Can you handle that? Or will you back down, and forever wonder if you had what it took?"

Naturally, Fiend wanted to be the one to take charge of the fucking, but he didn't want to give the impression he couldn't handle Vee. Fiend displayed his teeth and bristled to maximise his silhouette, before deciding to sit closer to Vee and at least wait and see what the meddlesome TV would do. Fiend growled and deliberately ran his tongue over his teeth and rippled the swallowing-muscles on either side of his neck, displaying his power. Don't forget who you're dealing with.

Vee laid a hand on Fiend's apparently seamless crotch, pausing a moment to see if Fiend would flinch or object. When he didn't, Vee then stroked one single finger, raising his screen to look into Fiend's mockery of one. Vee manifested a question mark - clearly waiting for an invitation to continue.

Fiend regarded Vee balefully… he was willing to allow this, for now. He broke off his stare with a deliberate blink, then nodded once. He wasn't impressed so far - Vee had better step it up.

Vee rubbed and then softly palpated Fiend's crotch, feeling the flesh thrum and quiver as it shifted into a shape suitable for fucking. Vee massaged the warm, pliable flesh, deliciously and invitingly supple, just like the welcoming texture of a lover's scrotum or a pair of labia. "Which way will you go?" whispered Vee, pushing into Fiend's still-formless mound as if to tease it into opening up, and then gently pulling at it as if to encourage it to lengthen and grow. "A TV of my calibre can handle it either way."

Fiend all the while glared at Vee, though made no communication that Vee should stop. He appeared to come to some private decision, and then grasped Vee's wrist that was kneading his crotch.

"Alright," said Vee, "Guide my hand, or push me away if you've had enough already. I can match any pace you care to throw at me."

Fiend pulled Vee's hand into his crotch, making his flesh gape and dilate, slowly and comfortably, into a cushy entrance into which Fiend continued to push Vee's fingers.

"So that is your wish," commented Vee, flexing his fingers with surprising gentleness in an attempt to tease Fiend's new folds.

It sounded as though Vee had more to say - but he was too taken aback to speak when Fiend didn't let go of his wrist and continued pulling his hand in with speed. Powerful ropes of muscle in the walls of Fiend's new cunt gripped Vee's hand in place and pulled it in, hard. Vee felt more muscles pushing back, and realised that Fiend's new genital was sprouting extrusions, tendrils pushing forth from the outer walls of the entrance. The newly-sprouted tendrils lashed their way up Vee's wrist, further holding him in place and jamming his blade holster. Vee realised his hand was entirely stuck, being squeezed and pinned hard by the muscular strength of Fiend's insides and new growth.

Vee's disdain for Fiend appeared unabated. "Is this what you like?" asked Vee. "Or is this what you think I like? …Are you attempting to subjugate me? It won't break me."

Fiend only growled lustily, and Vee felt the pulse of Fiend's heartbeat racing all over his trapped hand and wrist. Fiend flexed his sharp claws, his fingertips lengthening and sharpening like icicles growing, the flesh appearing to become liquid and flow into shape before hardening into iron-tough points. He raised a claw to the buttons of Vee's pea-coat.

"You may… but I draw the line at ripping my coat open," said Vee. "Undo it properly… or is that yet another simple task you'll fail at?"

Fiend hissed angrily, but shortened and tamed his claws before reaching in again and undoing the buttons on Vee's coat. He proceeded to undo Vee's jacket and then shirt, pulling the layers aside to show Vee's elegant yet robust black exo-plating with its purple pipework and chrome trim. It was both prettier and tougher-looking than Fiend was expecting, and he caught himself gazing up and down Vee's torso, his chitinous little horns twitching in admiration.

"A lot of TV to take in, isn't it?" Vee purred his speakers, using his free hand to gesture down himself. "Are you having second thoughts about whether you can take me on?" Vee undid the cover on his charging port. "…I'll make it a little easier for you."

Fiend lengthened and strengthened his claws once more, then pushed a sharp index claw into Vee's charging port. Fiend lengthened his claw further still, pushing it up into the connector points and pressing them against Vee's frame.

Vee emitted a static buzz approximating a grunt. "Inelegant," he stated. "Unrefined. I would expect a true TV to be able to reach more of my connector points than that. But of course you're just an inferior copy of greatness, nothing more."

Fiend rose to the bait, growling as he diverted his energy to lengthening his claws further still. Vee emitted a static burst in surprise, to Fiend's satisfaction - Fiend guessed that Vee hadn't expected him to be able to do that.

"You really think you can make me cum?" asked Vee as Fiend began to rub Vee's charger-connectors in earnest. "Your misplaced self-confidence is rapidly going from 'endearing' to 'pathetic'. …Ohh."

Fiend growled with satisfaction at hearing Vee lose his self-assured veneer (and immediately pretend he hadn't). He pushed his claws into the furthest depths of Vee's charging port, and then pushed further still, making Vee's exo-plating flex. Fiend rubbed Vee's plating with his thumbs as he continued to flex and push with his fingers. Vee's screen changed from soft patternless static to horizontal bands of grey noise, cascading up and down and over each other, and his speakers emitted a series of test tones - before he reeled it all in and returned to his normal screen display.

Vee, determined not to be outdone by his inferior copy, turned his attention back to his trapped hand. His hand was too tightly gripped by Fiend's new pussy and its tendrils to be able to rub in and out and caress the walls, but he could still push and pull and jiggle Fiend's flesh. And of course he still had one hand free… Vee began stroking and tickling the tendrils gripping his other wrist, hoping to entice them into coming apart a little. Vee was gratified to hear Fiend gasp a little and then growl with pleasure… but slightly disappointed that Fiend didn't appear to break his stride. Time to step it up a little…

Vee charged up his command-beam once more. "Realise your worth: you have nothing to offer that I don't." Fiend uttered a low growl at the realisation of what Vee was doing, and panted slightly as he resisted. He ramped up the intensity of his claw-fuck in Vee's charging port to buy himself a little time to rally his own powers. It proved harder than expected, as Vee saw through his intentions and began rubbing more teasingly at the base of Fiend's tendrils, letting the tendrils do a little of the work and grind against each other.

Vee's vision and mind both clouded, and he momentarily forgot where he was. (Perhaps he imagined it, or did Fiend make a quiet satisfied cackle at that?) He degaussed his screen to flush his vision - only to involuntarily writhe and buck as Fiend touched one of the connector points in his charging port and squeezed it against his frame. Vee shuddered out a buzz of static noise, and soon made Fiend echo it with a surprised growl of his own.

The two entities furiously fucked each other, each determined to subdue the other and make the other cum first, to put the other in his place. I want you gone. They would show the other how weak he was. I'll show you that you are no match for me.

Vee angrily degaussed, his purple command-beam flaring into being, juiced up by the screen refresh. "Cum for me, fraud. Pretender. Follow a simple instruction for once in your existence, and cum - for - me."

Fiend rumbled softly, rolling the sound on and on into a fluttering whine and then into a plaintive screech. Vee's vision faded into a silvery mist from the directionless psychic assault that Fiend was unwittingly raining down on him, and he rebooted.

When Vee came to, he found that Fiend was nuzzling against him, purring like a little motor.

"What's this nonsense?" asked Vee. "Are you trying to push me over?"

Fiend pressed against Vee and crooned, and gently batted his head against him. "Definitely worthy," purred Fiend. "Human's in good hands with you." Fiend's gentle batting became a purry nuzzle. "Good mate."

Vee uttered a static grunt of distaste. Stupid mimic. That said… the fawning was satisfying his ego just a little bit. "Ugh. Alright, if I give you pets, will you stop rubbing your teeth all over my jacket?" Vee reached out and scruffled Fiend's horns without waiting for an answer. Fiend twitched his little horns into the touch, enjoying it. Vee found himself thinking that the soft vibration of Fiend's purring was rather cute… Fiend apparently tired of the ruffling at the base of his horns, and flicked his head to grab Vee's hand in his teeth instead.

"Stop that at once," Vee said, rapping the top of Fiend's head in mock-anger. "I know the human finds that cute, but I don't."

Fiend obediently opened his jaws and released Vee's hand, then immediately presented the side of his head for more scritches.

"Good boy," Vee found himself saying.


Epilogue: Once Fiend came back to his senses, he probably immediately pretended nothing of the sort had happened. "No, I wasn't behaving like a little bitch! …Maybe you were and you misremembered?? I know I wasn't!"

But, maybe - just maybe - when Vee goes on missions that take him through abandoned grocery places, and he sees some cookie-type treats that are still in date, they just might 'somehow' make their way into his inventory. And then later he just might throw them at Fiend, saying "This stupid thing fell into my supplies - make yourself useful for once in your existence and dispose of it."

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This is an adult-rated fic, which means that horny/lewd/creepy comments are welcome! But please bear in mind these are someone else's characters, so don't be an eggy doyler about it.

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